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 Training Resources

The Harriers integrate form drills, strength, and recovery into the existing training plans to promote runner health and longevity in the sport. See additional training resources below.

Running Form

A Skips, B Skips, C Skips

A good explanation of many of the form drills we complete before/after Harrier workouts.


Good Form

Meb discusses running form and key points to focus on for running efficiently. 


Strength Plan

The Harriers Strength Training Plan is a short 10-15 minute routine designed to enhance running form and help prevent injuries by strengthening the key muscles groups used for running. All phases consist of 6 exercises, two sets each. It is recommended to perform them 2-3 days a week for 4 weeks before moving onto the next phase. 

  • Phase 1 - Base building

  • Phase 2 - Balance/core building

  • Phase 3 - Strength building

  • Phase 4 - Speed/power building

Strength program designed by Susan Bayat, CPT


Pace Chart

Coach Scott will tell you, running your recovery runs at a relaxed pace can make-or-break your training. Take a look at an example pace chart to better understand where various workouts should fall, dependent on your current race paces.

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: Use this table by working left to right. Find a recent race time you’ve actually achieved first. Or alternately, pick a race goal that is achievable based on your past history. Then read right to your EZ/Long base training paces. DO NOT use the table in the opposite direction. For example, don’t go out and run 6 miles at 7:08 pace, then read left and conclude that you’re a 2:40 marathoner (unless you are actually a 2:40 marathoner 😄).


Coaching Clinic

The Coaching Clinic is an annual Harrier event where we discuss form, physiology, our approach to training, injury prevention, recovery, and strength. Take a look at the slides from the 2019 Coaching Clinic to learn a bit more about the topics discussed.