2021 NYRR Retro 4-Miler

The Harriers were more than ready to toe the line at the NYRR Retro 4-Miler, the first club points race since the Washington Heights 5K way back in March 2020.

The team had a solid turnout: 35 Harriers took to the inner Central Park loop on a hot and sticky Saturday morning, in addition to some four-legged spectators.

William Garrity finished in 26:40, technically a PR: “I have never run a 4 miler before (outside of a family 4 on the 4th when I was 11),” he says. His last race was a marathon, so adjusting his pace for a 4-mile race “took some getting used to.” William is “thrilled” about his time, and says running with the Harriers has given him “the confidence to push myself a little harder out there.”

Brand new to the Harriers’ women’s team, Maddie Rizzo and Kelly Trevino (pictured below) ran impressive races, finishing in the top two spots for the women’s team: 26:44 and 27:54, respectively.

Another women’s team member deserving of a shoutout is longtime Harrier Robin Goodman, who placed third in her age group. “Great to see so many long time (not old) and new Harriers at the finish,” Robin says, adding the “ever present H cheer squads along the course” helped her through the race. Robin admits she had been aiming for a faster time, but is “happy with my own version of Seidel bronze today!”

Eduardo Brandao landed a new PR, even as he continues marathon training. He noted "the heat, the hills and my legs being quite tired" were a real challenge, adding "I forgot how hard all those Central Park hills are."

Scoring for the men’s team was head coach Scott Bartucca, Myles Fennon, Alan Yorke, Zach Pollack, and Steve Lamont. The women’s team top five were Maddie Rizzo, Kelly Trevino, Briana Guiney, Laura Peterson, and Donna Duque.

In addition to Robin Goodman’s “bronze medal,” the Harriers other top 10 age group finishers included Scott Bartucca, Myles Fennon, Alan Yorke, Maddie Rizzo, Kelly Trevino, and founding member of the women’s team and masters team captain, Susan Bayat.

Photos courtesy of Eduardo Brandao, Laura Hickman, and Sam LaFata.


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